Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Beep, Beep, Beep...you have now completed your registry!

Well, the time has come and little Lego's registry is available for you viewing pleasure. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I was so excited about buying stuff for our little one. We started a wish list of things pretty early on. A few things here and there to make that scanning day in the store a little easier. And boy am I thankful that I did that!
I was not looking forward to shopping with Jake at all. For those of you who have never shopped with Jake, this is now easy task. He is like a woman when it comes to browsing aisles. He picks up everything, looks at everything, plays with everything. He's every woman's dream guy I guess...but certainly not every pregnant woman's dream guy. My feet hurt, I'm waddling, and cranky. I want to get in and get out of there as quickly and easily as possible. Meanwhile, we chose to register during the week of Thanksgiving AND Black Friday. *NOTE TO SELF - "You're an idiot!"

Day 1:
So here we are Sunday night at the Greenbelt Target. We arrived around 8 pm thinking we would miss all the people and it would be quiet. We certainly missed everyone but one thing we didn't think about was if Target themselves would be prepared for us. We go to guest services and get our scanny thing. Of course my child boyfriend wants to scan everything because the light and sound just amazes him. Yea, I was jealous cause he got to scan and my inner child wanted to scan too. But, in the end I was proud because my Momma taught me how to SHARE. So anyway, we get to scanning and all of a sudden the stupid scanner blacks out. We walk back to guest services and we're waiting, and waiting in line. I look over and notice the scanner is lit up again. So we get out of line and head back down our beeping journey. Damn thing goes black again. We head back to guest services where we're finally told that our scanny thing is dead and that was the last one with life. At this point I was pissed! My feet we killing me from walking from one end of the store to the other 3 times. We scanned maybe 4 things and they hardly had anything on the shelves. Lesson learned on this day: it's great avoiding the crowds, but by going late you get what's left over at the end of the day. Oh, and don't register in the ghetto!

Day 2:
We arrive at the Bowie Target. Oh how I miss the Bowie Target! First things first...we get in line at good 'ol guest services. SHOCKER...they have no scanners available. They're all being used. The lady behind the counter explains, "it's that time of year...kids are making their wish lists". ARE YOU FOR REAL??? Are parents really doing that? Now I really can't believe that the economy is struggling if kids are scanning wish lists for XMAS before Thanksgiving is even here. And seriously, what happened to a good old sheet of paper and pencil and writing a letter to Santa? WOW! So now I'm shopping for my kid and I'm beginning to hate kids. IRONIC! Anyway, we give the girl behind the counter my name and we just walk around and wait to be called. About 45 minutes later I hear my name on the loud speaker...seriously, kids have been scanning their wish list for 45 minutes. UGH, after my preggo hormones have calmed, we have a working scanner and it still has life. We're browsing, browsing and Jake's beeping and beeping. All of a sudden I'm feeling horrible. Our list was practically finished before we even got to the store and here we are being greedy and adding more shit to it. People are going to think we're crazy! As my eyes are filling up with water, Jake's like "what did I do?". YEP, damn emotions got me... After I explained to him how guilty I was feeling and horrible for making a registry he explained everything to me. I'm having 3 baby showers (thanks to some really great people). We need to have enough stuff on there. Plus, it's better to have too much than too little. I still feel a little weird about the whole registry thing, but I'm trying to just let it be and be thankful for everything we get. Meanwhile, my mother is calling me every 20 minutes, just to chat, and I've got Jake running around w/ the scanner just scanning random shit! THANK YOU CELESTE for giving him that idea. Anyway, aisle after aisle we worked our way through and our registry got finished. We ended up having a lot of fun even though we encountered a lot of bumps in the road.

We get home and I bring our list up online...at first I'm like wait a second...this is not our list there's stuff on here that we didn't scan. Bra's, panties, Coffe Maker, and then I came upon 4 Lego sets. Of course, my second child thought it funny to scan random things while I was not paying attention. I think I deleted all the extra stuff Jake put on there, except one Lego set. I thought it would be funny seeing peoples reaction especially since it's our little one's nickname. Keep an eye out for it!

I had another appt. this morning. Lego is measuring out perfectly. I was told to start eating healthier and start exercising more. I've gained 21 lbs. total, which is not bad, but if I gain a pound a week from here on out I will end up at about 35-40 pounds come push time. UGH! I can't imagine gaining 3 more pounds. The doc went to listen for the heartbeat and little Lego kicked her hand right off my belly. I thought it was so funny.
Even though I'm the size of a cow, I still feel good. I'm a little tired, but I'm chugging along. I have 2 stretch marks. One right above each hip. Nothing horrible and I will be so thankful if those are the only ones I get. I lotion and oil myself up religiously. Seriously, I'm never going to think lotions and oils are sexy anymore. I had to have Jake lather me up last night. It wasn't pretty and he is a good man for helping me out. I hadn't shaved in...well I can't remember the last time. So I finally did it and he offered to rub my legs down since I can barely reach past my knees. It was so nice. I thought it would be romantic but as soon as I lifted my leg in the air I farted on him. Poor guy! He was obviously pissed, but took it like a champ and kept on rubbing. And if farting on him wasn't bad enough I then fell asleep.
I find it extremely funny that all of this weird stuff has all happened during the week of Thanksgiving. I'm really, truly thankful for everything and everyone in my life this year. I've been given the best gift in the world and I couldn't think of anyone better to share it with than Jake.

I'll keep you posted and hopefully get some holiday pics up.

1 comment:

The May Family said...

LOL Thats what I am here for! Paybacks LOL....sorry torturing Jake, includes torturing you! hahaha Cant wait to start buying stuff for Baby Lego! I realized today...I am the baby's only aunt.....well "technical" aunt....SHE will have lots of great-aunts and FRIEND aunts....but I am the only TRUE aunt! hehehehe