Well, it's been entirely too long since I've blogged. I've been really busy getting things together and just trying to prepare as much as possible before this baby comes.
So cute...YAWNING!
But, the holiday's were wonderful! Jake really loved his surprise Mountain Bike. Now all we have to do is figure out how to strap a baby to the back of it. LOL! I got a ton of new gym clothes. People were so surprised when I told them that's what he got me, but IT'S ALL I ASKED FOR...I want to get back in the gym as soon as the baby is here. Impossible, I know, but as soon as I'm cleared by the doc, I want to start exercising. My body is in desperate need of TLC. Many women don't like to reveal how much weight they've gained, but at this point if you can't tell by looking at me I've gained well over the 30-35 lb limit the Doc recommended. When I found out I was pregnant i weighed 167 lbs. and I just weighed in at the Doc yesterday at 215...that's 48 whole pounds I've gained. So needless to say, as much as I've enjoyed every bite I've taken in the last 9 months, I'm ready to get rid of this fat suit!!!
Just so you have an idea...here's a shot of me at 35 weeks. GROSS!!!
I believe the last time I left off Jake and I did not know the sex of the baby. Well we (I) decided to have a 3D/4D ultrasound done. Jake was a little unsure, cause he thought the images were a little freaky looking. He's so funny! But, we did it and it was unbelievable. We got to see just about every inch of their body...including it's PENIS!!! YEP, IT'S A BOY! We decided to find out the sex...and we can't wait to meet our little Andrew. Andrew is Jake's midddle name and it's really the only male name we ever agreed on.
So cute...YAWNING!
Thumbs up from inside the Womb!
So far I've had two showers in which Jake and I were completely blessed to receive so many gifts!!! We really haven't bought anything for the baby! Whoever came up with the idea of a baby shower is a genius!!! It's saved us so much money. And, I've definitely reaped the benefits of all the showers I've ever been to or will go to in the future! Here are a few pics from my Mom's shower and Jake's mother shower...
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