Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tippin' Scales and Leaking Boobs

Well as of today I'm 27 weeks and 5 days preggo. Not much really going on. I woke up this morning with some killer cramps. For a second I forgot I was pregnant and thought I got my period. Yea, that bad. No spotting though, so I'm assuming they were some good 'ol Braxton Hicks contractions. Gotta love it.

We're a few weeks away from Christmas. I'm excited. It should be a nice Christmas. I got Jake the greatest Christmas present and I really think he will poop himself when he sees it! I will reveal the surprise after the big day.

I've finally hit the big 200 mark on the scale. I've been dreading it my whole pregnancy. I knew it was coming. The scary part now is just trying not to gain to much more. I'm really not worried about it though. I'm just enjoying this pregnancy and eating what I like. I'm planning on dedicating all my left over energy post baby to working out and getting back in shape It's something I'm very excited and anxious about. If you ask Jake, he'll tell you how annoying I've been about the whole getting in shape process.

Here's my belly at 25 weeks. It was much more cute then than now. I'm beginning to get my first stretch marks (beauty marks for those women who prefer a more glamorous term). It's amazing what 2 weeks can really do. March 10 couldn't come any faster!

I will now close with a funny story from last weekend. I know most of you could care less and would not like to know that I've been sleeping naked. But, you must in order to enjoy the story. It's just so much more relaxing and less constrained sleeping naked while pregnant. Anyway, so Jake and I are beginning to wake up Saturday morning. I'm spooning him and seriously thinking when I'm going to wake up. I finally roll over and decide it's time to get up. When before I completely turn over I noticed a stream of "something" rolling down his back. At first I'm like that's the nastiest pimple I've ever seen oozing down your back. GROSS! Then I continue to roll over and notice I have the "ooze" on my boob. The thoughts set in and I finally figured it out. It's my milk. LOL! I leaked on his back! HAHAHA! Of course he was disgusted, I actually was too. But, it was still sooooo funny. I'm ready for milking. Eww! At least I know I'm capable.